5 Points to Consider While Choosing an ERP Vendor For Business

Have you ever spent time building a relationship with an ERP supplier and after a while realize that you made the wrong choice? A study showed that only 10% of ERP implementation projects met all the requirements within time and cost, 55% suffered from some cost overruns, and 35% were never completed. Thus, statistics indicate the need for more dense preparation and collection of more information about the project. Generally, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are used for improving the efficiency and productivity across business processes, including, manufacturing, services, financial, accounting and procurement, project management, customer relationship management, risk management, compliance, and supply chain operations. But, it's only possible if you bring the right ERP financial system for your organization. But, taking decisions over which ERP system is most suitable for your organization requires time and cost. This might be a little overwhelming. But, with the ass...